Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Annoying coworkers.

 From this blog (with a great list of "revenge" ideas)

If you've ever asked (completely underqualified) me for any work/job-related advice, I probably did 2 things.  First, I paraphrased (and hopefully maintained the spirit of) an answer to the question posted on Alison Green's blog, Ask a Manager.  Second, I emailed, typed, texted, or otherwise passed along the link to her actual website.

I've been referring to her site since at LEAST the fall of 2008.  The archives are great and now that I've started at my first post-graduate school position, the tips on how to deal with coworkers and supervisors is relevant as ever.  I feel like I get to actually put her advice into ACTION.

The point of today: Great roundup of 7 most annoying coworker habits and how to deal with them.  As the proud owner of such books as The No A$$h0le Rule and Dealing with People You Can't Stand (yes, I'm sure this speaks volumes of my own personality - hey, at least I'm proactive about my problems with others and trying to do something about it!), you can understand why this neat little roundup pleased me.

Let me add my first official tip of job-dom: Don't write a blog post titled "Annoying coworkers" in your shared office when your coworker is looking at your screen.

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