Sunday, November 11, 2007

back to hating korea (tears)

a student just made me cry. he is 9 years old. and i appreciate his honesty.

i knelt down to help a group organize the matching/speaking game we are doing on seasons and weather. one of the boys looks at me and then i see in his face and body he RECOILS IN TERROR. and he says: 선생님, 귀신이에요! (teacher, you are a ghost!). i ask why? and the girl next to him is like hitting him on the head and saying "teacher no listen. he no english. he is crazy" after class i asked him in korean, why did you say i am a ghost?. at first he wouldn't answer, an then he says "선생님 여드름때문에" (teacher bc of your pimples). i said "니네들 때문에 생기는거야!" (they are because of you students). and he smiled and ran away. i closed the door wailing and crying.


1 comment:

grayshifter said...

Awww... :'(

It helps when your students have more pimples than you do. Hooray High School!

I'm sure that later he'll be cursed with pizza face for pulling that stunt on you.